I moved from the area in 1978 to the big city and bright lights of NY. Over the years I had 2 wonderful jobs that took me to Italy for many years. Enjoyed my single life style and opportunity to travel and had no intentions of marriage, much less children until I was 35. Married a wonderful native New Yorker named John in December 1988 and had my first child (Gabrielle) almost 3 years later. 6 years later at the ripe age of 41 I had my son (Grant). After 20 years of living in the cold, high cost of living NE I was home sick and wanted to return to my hometown of Scottsville. I needed to look at the Blue Ridge Mountains instead of sky scrapers and the sounds of frogs on the pond was more appealing than honking horns. Also had a father who was suffering from Parkinson's disease and being an only child we moved back to take care of him. Fortunately my husband was able to relocate his business as well. It was one of the best, if not the best, decisions we ever made for all of us and we have enjoyed every minute being back home. I have said many times I was happy to have been born and raised in this area with the family I had, the timing was absolutely right when I moved in 1978 because it opened doors and offered me the opportunity of a lifetime, and the timing was right for moving back to the area when I did. It felt good for the soul to come back and be with family and childhood friends especially after loosing my mother and father-in-law just months earlier. It was also ideal for my children in many ways. Even my yankee husband was less stressed and never happier. Upon moving back we purchased property that once belonged to my 4th grade teacher and 6 years ago we built a house there. Since I already owned a home here we lived in that house and took care of Dad until he passed away in 2001. I can truthfully say I would not change one thing in my life even if I could. I have been very fortunate and blessed in many ways. Other than a few gray hairs and a couple more aches and pains I am blessed with good health which I guess makes me one of the richest people because there is no amount of money you can put on your health and all the money in the world can't buy it. I was fortunate to marry a man who came from a strong Catholic family upbringing and one who has daily put me on a pedestal. I was also able to be a stay at home mom to my children and walked with them every step of way from the time they were born. It truly was and still is the hardest job I ever had. The past 6 months of my life has been a little hectic because I had the legal responsibility of taking care of my last surviving aunt who had no children. Like my father, she also suffered from Parkinson's disease so it was no picnic going back down that same road again. It truly makes you more aware of and more appreciative of your own life. In as difficult as it was, I was truly glad to be home to spend the time with her and to help her in the final stage of her life. I celebrated my 56th birthday today and had a wonderful weekend at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond with family and friends. I am still best of friends with my childhood friend Vickie and she announced yesterday that she was going to be a grandmother. Thankfully I am just a grandma to 3 cats and 2 dogs. I keep reminding my 20 year old daughter (my son is just 14) to get an education, get out in the world, go places and do things before she ever settles down with one man and children. I also remind her she will kiss a lot of frogs before she finds the prince and to "never settle in life when you have the ability to select." Hopefully something I say will sink in. Guess all we can do is teach them to the best of our ability and pray everything turns out well. For now I must end this but do hope to hear from and look forward to seeing fellow classmates and old friends.