Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024

- Join and Support AHS
- Alumni Association
- Special Projects
- Scholarship Program
- Highlights
- Memories
- Your Class Representative
- Past Reunions
- 1950's Reunions
- Class of 1951
- Class of 1956's 56th Reunion
- Class of 1956's 59th
- Class of 1956's '60th
- Class of 1956's 62nd
- 1956's 61st Reunion
- Class of 1958's 60th
- Class of 1958
- Class of 1959's 52nd
- Class of 1959's 54th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 57th
- Class of 1959's 59th
- 1959's 58th Reunion
- 1960's Reunion
- 1970's Reunions
- 1980's Reunions
- 1990's Reunions
- 2000's Reunions
- 1950's Reunions
- Planning Your Reunion
- The Peer
- Virtual Tour of Albemarle
- AHS Hall of Fame
- AHS Nights To Remember
- 10,000 Memories
- Saying Goodbye to Mr. Hurt
- Mr. Hurt's Memories
- In The News
- AHS Veterans
- Using The Website
2016 Scholarships
2016 Scholarships
The Albemarle High School Alumni Association had another successful year with its Scholarship Program.
The Association awarded 7 scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $3,0000 for a total of $9,000 at the Albemarle High School Senior Awards Night Program in May 2016. Thank you to those who contributed to our scholarship fund that make these scholarships possible.
Since being organized in the Fall of 2008, the AHS Alumni Association has awarded 47 Scholarships totaling $45,500. Our goal is to continue building a strong Scholarship Program.
Attending the University of Virginia
In memory of Patricia Houchens Blincoe (AHS 1954)
by husband Ralph Blincoe (AHS 1954) - 1st year
Attending James Madison University
In memory of Nick Smith (AHS 2008) by
Loving Grandmother Shirley Smith - 4th year
Attending the University of Richmond
In memory of Virginia Dofflemyer by daughter Martha
Dofflemyer Clarke (AHS 1966) and family - 6th year
Attending Longwood University
In honor of Mr. Benjamin F. Hurt by
Iris Tomlin Carr (AHS 1956) - 7th year
Attending James Madison University
In honor of the AHS Class of 1958 by
a member of the AHS Class of 1958 - 7th year
Attending Virginia Tech
In memory of Patricia Houchens Blincoe (AHS 1954)
by husband Ralph Blincoe (AHS 1954) - 3rd year
Attending Virginia Tech
In memory of Benjamin Hair (AHS 2006) by Mother
Brenda Hair (AHS 1968) and Father Gordon Hair - 6th year
We encourage you to donate to our Scholarship Program. You can click below
and pay by credit card or Paypal, or you can mail to:
The Albemarle Alumni Association
2775 Hydraulic Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
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