Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024

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- 1950's Reunions
- Class of 1951
- Class of 1956's 56th Reunion
- Class of 1956's 59th
- Class of 1956's '60th
- Class of 1956's 62nd
- 1956's 61st Reunion
- Class of 1958's 60th
- Class of 1958
- Class of 1959's 52nd
- Class of 1959's 54th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 57th
- Class of 1959's 59th
- 1959's 58th Reunion
- 1960's Reunion
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- AHS Hall of Fame
- AHS Nights To Remember
- 10,000 Memories
- Saying Goodbye to Mr. Hurt
- Mr. Hurt's Memories
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Wrap-up of the Evening
The "A Night To Remember" 2014 is now history. The Albemarle cafeteria is clean and everything is back in order ready for the students to eat lunch on Monday. There is no evidence that we were even there on Friday evening, May 9, 2014. It is like we had a secret meeting and covered all our tracks. But the memories, we can have them for our life time. And for the future, we can leave our tracks. A program summary will be written and will be placed in the Albemarle High School Alumni Associations archives. There will be a file folder with emails and notes, the printed program, attendance list and information on our new AHS Alumni Hall of Fame members. A DVD of the entire program will also be included. There will be a record for those who want to see what happened in the school cafeteria on the evening of May 9, 2014. There were 165 who registered to attend. There were some who, for whatever reason, could not make it and there were some who did not register who attended the "A Night To Remember" 2014 program. Thank you to those who attended and helped us to honor our new Albemarle High School Alumni Hall of Fame members.
AHS Alumni Association board member and AHS Alumni Hall of Fame member, Stan Maupin' 1967 made a presentation on "The Top 10 Things Your Classmates Say About Reunions" This was based on a survey of AHS graduates on our website. There were 475 who responded and let their preferences known. The survey results are available on our website. Karen Viar '1970, presented "Alumni Association in Review". Karen explained some of our accomplishments, some of our needs and projects under consideration for the future in cooperation with Albemarle High School and the County. Another project, Louisa County is interested in starting an Alumni Association for their high school. This is a result of several people associated with Louisa County High School have attend our 2011 and 2013 "A Night To Remember programs. We were requested to make a presentation and answer questions. It was a great experience and the interest grows.
Our Keynote Speaker for the evening was Dr. Pamela Moran, Superintendent of Albemarle County Public Schools. Pam has been in this position since January 2006. She oversees a budget of $151 million, with more than 1,100 teachers education 13,000 students in 26 schools. Remember in 1953 when Albemarle High School opened, there had been 7 high schools grades 1 through 11 and several elementary schools.
Dr. Moran's career in public education includes serving a a high school science teacher, elementary school principal, director of instruction, assistant superintendent for instruction and an adjunct instructor in educational leadership for the University of Virginia's Curry School and the Continuing Education. She graduated with a B.S. in Biology from Furman University and holds a Master's and Doctoral degree from the University of Virginia. Dr. Moran made a presentation on how high school education has changed, especially with all the advanced studies that are available today. To make her point of how technology has changed, she held up her cell phone and said, "this instrument I am holding in my hand has 500 times the power of the huge computer that got our first astronauts on the moon in the 1960's. We must prepare our students to be competitive in the world market place." Albemarle High School ranks with the top schools with a graduating percentage of 95%. Albemarle High School now has 1,890 students.
Our 2014 Hall of Fame members were introduced by the person or persons who nominated them with one exception. Sherman Shifflett '1960 introduced Lindsay Harrington Class of 1963 who will accept next year, brother Clyde Lynch '1959, introduced William "Billy" Lynch Class of 1958 nominated by Penny Layman Ray, Sam Clarke '1966 and Charles Terry '1958 introduced James W. Simmons AHS Band Director 1956 - 1971 and Sherry Manley Archer '1965 introduced David Wyant Class of 1965. Information taken from their nomination form with photograph will be posted under menu item AHS Hall of Fame on the Albemarle High School Alumni Association website. It was unanimous, by letter or speaking, all four credited much of their success to teachers and coaches and the principal during their years at AHS, Mr. Benjamin Hurt. Mr Hurt's individual attention was highlighted over and over again. Teachers and Mr. Hurt provided the inspiration and guidance and the person was willing to follow good advice and work hard.
Here is a thought, since we hear this over and over again and we read in the book, Mr. Hurt's 10,000 memories published by the Albemarle High School Alumni Association, with over 500 AHS graduates and faculty who sent in their memories of Mr. Hurt, maybe we see a key to success. Why not suggest to high school students that they form a team of people who they respect and want them to succeed. The team could help map out a plan for success to meet the students goals, provide counseling and be people the pstudent can go to for advice or discuss ideas. The team members could be family members, an educator in a chosen field of interest or someone who has been or is successful in the students field of interest. This team could continue for a lifetime long after graduation from high school and college.
The "A Night To Remember" 2014 event was made possible by our Planning Committee Team members.
Thank you Tim Fredrikson '1974, Stan Maupin '1967, Mary Anne Ruiz Pace '19'73, Penny Layman Ray '1959, Charles Terry '1958 and Karen Viar ''1970. These AHS Alumni also served on "A Night To Remember" 2013. We make a good team. It is a pleasure when everyone is willing to do whatever is needed to have a successful event. In the days leading up to May 9, team members were asking if there was anything that needed to be done.
Our "A Night To Remember" 2014 sponsors and our AHS Alumni Association Supporting Members made it possible for this to be a no charge event. Thank you Charlottesville Press, DND Films (David Dillehunt '2002), First Citizens Bank, Foods Of All Nations. Sam's Club and the staff at Albemarle High School for your support. The janitorial staff always fulfills our every wish with a smile. Members of the AHS PALs (Patriot Athletic Leadership) assisted. We make a contribution to their organization. The Albemarle County Public Relations Department sent out a press release to help publicize the event.
I heard many positive comments from people during the Meet & Greet. Several were from first timers who said they enjoyed the program, had a good time and will be back next year. That was good to hear. One said she didn't know we existed until the article appeared in the Daily Progress. The new Hall of Fame members were very appreciative and offered their thanks and praises to the Alumni Association.
So, the book is closed on "A Night To Remember" 2014. It is now a memory for those who attended. Stay tuned, the entire program will soon be aired on the television educational channel in the Charlottesville Albemarle area. The plan is for everyone registered on the www.albemarlealumni.com website to be watch on the site. Keep on the lookout for an announcement. We look forward to seeing you at "A Night To Remember" 2015.
The email below was waiting for me when I got home. It is written to everyone in the Albemarle High School Alumni Association.
Charles "Connie" Crenshaw
AHS Alumni Association
From James W. Simmons,
To: Everyone from AHS
To all of you in the association, I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for inducting me into your "Hall Of Fame" last night, May 9, 2014. I am deeply honored and humbled for this recognition. It was such a pleasure to be with so many of you last night and see many of my former students as well as many who were not students of mine but I remembered from my days at AHS between 1956 and 1971 as the school's band director. Again - thank you for this honor and I wish the very best for each of you in the coming months and years. Jim Simmons (Band Director, 1956 - 1971)
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