Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024
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- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 57th
- Class of 1959's 59th
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Class of 1959's 59th
For our 59th reunion, we are joining with some other classes and attending the class of 1958's 60th reunion. The Class of '58 has invited all classes from 1954 through 1960 to join them, and we are accepting their hospitality.
It will be good to see people from other classes who we knew so well through through sports, clubs, bus rides, and sock hops.
The reunion will be held on the weekend July 20-22 at the Holiday Inn on Emmet Street across the street from where the Ridge Drive-In was in our day. Classes from 1954 through 1960 will be invited.
Plans call for a Friday night social in a hospitality room in the Holiday Inn. Saturday night will include a reception and a dinner, and there will be a breakfast on Sunday morning. Cost for Saturday night is $50 per person.
You can see more details and register soon on the Class of 1958's Reunion webpage.
Your response is needed by June 01, 2018, in order to have an exact count for hotel accommodations and planning number of meals. Early registration is appreciated. Visit their reunion webpage to register.
We hope you will join us!
Penny Layman Ray.
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