Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024

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- Class of 1956's 59th
- Class of 1956's '60th
- Class of 1956's 62nd
- 1956's 61st Reunion
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- Class of 1958
- Class of 1959's 52nd
- Class of 1959's 54th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 57th
- Class of 1959's 59th
- 1959's 58th Reunion
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Class fo 1956 Rerunion
WHAT: AHS Class of 1956 62nd Reunion Lunch
DATE: Saturday June 09, 2018
TIME: 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: Shadwell’s Restaurant, 1791 Richmond Rd., (250 East),
TELEPHONE: 434-202-2568 Call for directions if needed
RSVP: May 29, 2018
TO: Joyce Critzer Hicks
168 Warmar Road
Ruckerville, VA 22968
We will order from the menu, receive individual checks. Tax and gratuity included.
If you have questions about the reunion, please contact classmates listed below:
- Joyce Critzer Hicks 434-989-4267 joyce1938@embarqmail.com
- Gay Norford Loftin 434-973-4189 kgloftin@aol.com
- Betty Tilley Thacker 434-293-6344 btilleythac@juno.com
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: All future reunions will be held on the second Saturday in June at the Shadwell Restaurant until further notice.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you again.
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