Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024

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- Class of 1956's '60th
- Class of 1956's 62nd
- 1956's 61st Reunion
- Class of 1958's 60th
- Class of 1958
- Class of 1959's 52nd
- Class of 1959's 54th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 56th
- Class of 1959's 57th
- Class of 1959's 59th
- 1959's 58th Reunion
- 1960's Reunion
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In Memory
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Daniel Eugene Falwell (1963)
Mr. Leitch was my health and driver education teacher. He was a good teacher and seemed to understand the shennanigans of adolescents without coming down too hard on us/me. I was not a very motivated student as I wanted to be in gym class and could not understand why we needed to take health class - 5 "academic" classes were enough I though for one day; I wanted/needed to run and play a bit instead.
Came to appreciate him more as I got older and got to know Mr. Leitch when I was a teacher myself and he was a member of the Kiwanas Club in Charlottescille doing good work for special needs children in the area. He was another of the good teachers who we took for granted that staffed AHS back in the late 50's/early 60's. Dan Falwell '63