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Yvonne Brown



Yvonne Jones Brown 

Yvonne Jones Brown joined the Albemarle High School faculty as a teacher and served as counseling director from 1977 until her retirement in 2009. She is an consummate professional who put children first every day.  Yvonne viewed her position an opportunity to provide leadership and to set an example for others.

Yvonne continuously worked to improve the services of the Albemarle High School Counseling Department.  Albemarle has long been known as a school of excellence.  This is in large part due to the success of graduates.  The counseling department functions to support students academically.  The department also under Yvonne’s leadership assists students in recognizing and realizing their post-k12 education, career and work readiness.  Yvonne’s leadership and contributions are quite evident in the success our students have had over the years in college and career attainment.

Yvonne Brown belonged to the Virginia School Counselor Association.  She provided leadership for the counselors at Albemarle High School, Western Albemarle High School and Monticello High School as the senior high school counseling director for Albemarle County.

One person associated with the school stated that he was told to see Yvonne Brown about   needing help on scholarships to be presented.  This was close to graduation and the department was in their busy period.  Yvonne listened to the request for help and replied, I will be happy to assist and together we will get it done.  She was pleasant, professional and never complained about adding to her workload.